But no word, no shape, no photograph could ever twist so far that it could begin to explain even a little bit of how I feel.



There's school tomorrow, fuck :( !! Feel like not coming again, but cannot I left so many shit in school.
Need to chiong bio @ school , 08' paper. :(
No mood, no mood, 你说我如何该怎么办呢?!
我跟你打招呼,是因为我想约你出去吃。我还没有还你我所欠你的午餐啊! :( 还是你早已经忘掉了?我想请你吃,免费的午餐你也不要?
Monday = 在家里温习功课 :( Must resist going out.
Tuesday = kbox,唱歌。很久没有唱歌了。最后一次就是你跟我一起唱,我还记得我们最后一个歌就是 If We Ever Meet Again, 你想我们会不会在见面呢?:(
Weds = Out w regine + h2h session,真的很多心事要告诉她。
Thurs / Fri = IDK :(

I hope no one bothers reading chinese.I really find chinese can express more emotions than english words do.. :)